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Music for all
Central to the vision of the Music Department is the belief that Music is an essential part of life and integral to the development of the whole person. Our aim is to encourage and develop creativity, sensitivity and confidence in all students.
The Music Department provides a wide variety of learning opportunities that enable all students to engage with Music and Music Technology Art forms. As well as academic and practical study we promoting expression and performance as a learning tools through which students are encouraged to explore ideas, wider cultures and the world around them.
In providing students with many performance and composition experiences we value and celebrate their talent and hard work as they grow and develop into skilled, creative and confident students, who enjoy learning and value their culture and the Arts.
Key Stage 3
Due to the practical nature of the subject, written homework will only rarely be set. This is always set as identified within modular plans, to extend/reaffirm and enrich students learning the pupil’s learning at that particular point within module. Students will be set homework tasks, specifically designed by teaching staff relating to the activity/skill being studied and in line with the ability and learning needs of the group.
Possible homework tasks for KS3:
- Listening to a specific piece of music, or artist. This could range from classical to popular music – with verbal feedback, or a short written summary to ensure completion of task.
- Attending an extracurricular club/ workshop
- Evaluating work of peers or self.
- Researching musical features of genres, styles or specific songs to use as inspiration for classroom activities, this could refer to chord sequences or rhythmic features etc.
- This work will not be timetabled in the traditional way but will respond to the needs of students and the demands of the curriculum.
Key Stage 4
Students will receive one piece of homework every week. This maybe extensions of topics we have been learning about in class to extend their knowledge, it could be to research information on artists or genres that we are starting to look at in order to familiarise students with information before they enter the classroom, or it could be extra information that we would not cover in classroom sessions that the music department would feel would be useful for the students.
Possible homework/coursework tasks for GCSE:
- Composition
- Listening activities
- Researching styles or genres of music
- Researching musical features of songs or pieces of music
- Extra reading on a subject, to be summarised
- Practise on their chosen instrument/voice
- Completing tasks that we not finished in the lesson
- Coursework clubs & sessions
- Extra-curricular clubs that will enhance their music understanding
Music is the language of emotion and thought as well is being an international language. With a greater understanding of how music can be created and performed you can mould the way in which you listen, create and perform the playlist of your memories.
At Byrchall we look at some of the key points in musical history and look at what impact these have had on the musical footprints of the music of today. We use the three elements of listening and appraising, composition and performance to highlight these musical footprints. Through a traditional approach to both harmony and musical technique we merge these with the musical technology of today to enable a challenging, yet broad music curriculum to cater for all musicians, no matter what standard.
Curriculum Aims
- Students will have a greater understanding of the impact of musical styles on the music of today
- Students will have a confidence in their own musical ability and be able to express their musicality within department
- Students will work independently and in ensembles to create music of a high standard
- Students will develop the skills to enable them to be able to perform, write and understand music with a greater confidence outside of the music department
- To enjoy listening, performing and creating a wide choice of music from musical history and the world
- Within the Music Department at Byrchall we aim to create the musicians of the future
The music department here at Byrchall prides itself on its ability to cater for all. Whether you are a mature musician or starting the musical journey you will find that the staff, facilities and fellow students will make you feel welcome and challenge you whilst you are are a member of the department.
As well as a large collection of traditional musical instruments the music department also boasts excellent IT facilities allowing the recording of live music and MIDI music to industry standard which is accessed both at KS3 and KS4 within the teaching rooms.
There are also practice areas as well as a fully equipped recording studio and radio station to develop new skills as a producer or DJ if you so wish.
The music department follows the analysis, performance and composition of a mixture of traditional, world and popular styles of music across both KS3 and KS4. These incorporate keyboard, vocal and other instrumental skills whilst also using the Music software available.
TERM | YEAR 7 | YEAR 8 | YEAR 9 | YEAR 10 | YEAR 11 |
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