Curriculum and Assessment (2024-2025)

The aim of the curriculum is to fulfil the school’s mission statement:
- “Live to Learn (Enjoy and Achieve)”
- “Learn to Live (Now and in the Future)”
It helps to prepare students to be knowledgeable, successful and fulfilled global 21st century citizens. The curriculum covers the entirety of provision in taught time and extra-curricular. It provides opportunities for students to become knowledgeable, successful and develop into fulfilled global 21st century citizens.
High standards of achievement are available to all students through an appropriate and relevant curriculum, that is flexible to meet the needs and aspirations of all learners. The curriculum aims to provide an ambitious, broad and balanced experience; it is a high-quality education to enable all students to have a deeper understanding of a range of subject areas, be successful and develop as individuals. In addition, it provides opportunities for personal development and to apply a broad range of generic skills in literacy, numeracy, thinking, independent learning, employability and understanding examination techniques. It helps to prepare students to take responsibility for their own learning, now and in the future.
Maximising the achievement of the students at Byrchall High School is the responsibility of all staff. We encourage students to be resilient, responsive, passionate and reflective learners. The challenges will be hard work for the students, but the rewards will be worth the effort.
Assessment Calendar

Curriculum Delivery Model for 2024 – 2025

There are 25 periods per week, each 60 minutes long. The Personal Development curriculum is delivered by a weekly rolling additional period across the year, and then additionally during registration periods and planned enhancement days.
Curriculum Planning
Subject areas have detailed overview plans, showing the progression across the year groups. These will prepare students from their starting points, to enabling them to deepen and develop their knowledge of subjects and to facilitate achieving the requirements and expectations of Public Examinations. This is an ambitious curriculum for all, providing breadth and depth. Details of these subject plans can be found in the Year Guides and on the school website.
The Curriculum model and planning is designed to build on the learning and experiences at Key Stage 2 and
ensure progression post-16. Curriculum planning includes opportunities for deepening learning, developing retention strategies and enable aspiration towards excellence; it allows for breadth, depth and enrichment in subject knowledge and skills.
Each year group has a clear focus:
Year 7 Transition
- Broad, balanced and ambitious curriculum, that meets all statutory requirements
- Progression from Key Stage 2
- Establish high expectations
- Development of numeracy and literacy skills
- Opportunities for additional support for improving numeracy and literacy for those in need, while
- retaining the breadth of the curriculum
- Introduction and development of the expectations for the National Curriculum
- An age appropriate, ambitious and personalised Personal Development curriculum, with opportunities and enhancements
- A bespoke extra-curricular range of opportunities to meet the needs, aspirations and interests of individuals
Year 8 Development
- Broad, balanced and ambitious curriculum, that meets all statutory requirements
- Development of numeracy and literacy skills
- Opportunities for additional support for improving numeracy and literacy for those in need, while retaining the breadth of the curriculum
- Development of subject specific skills, knowledge and understanding in National Curriculum subjects.
- An age appropriate, ambitious and personalised Personal Development curriculum, with opportunities and enhancements
- A bespoke extra-curricular range of opportunities to meet the needs, aspirations and interests of individuals
Year 9 Progression
- Broad, balanced and ambitious curriculum, that meets all statutory requirements
- Opportunities for additional support for improving numeracy and literacy for those in need, while retaining the breadth of the curriculum
- Subject skill development, and depth and breadth of knowledge designated in the National Curriculum
- Subject specific key skill enhancement, increased depth and breadth of subject knowledge and understanding in advance of the National Curriculum to challenge and engage
- An age appropriate, ambitious and personalised Personal Development curriculum, with opportunities and enhancements
- A bespoke extra-curricular range of opportunities to meet the needs, aspirations and interests of individuals
Year 10 Achievement
- Broad, balanced and ambitious curriculum, that meets all statutory requirements
- Consolidation and development in skills, knowledge and understanding in core curriculum as designated in the National Curriculum
- Consolidation and development in skills, knowledge and understanding in optional subjects as designated in the National Curriculum
- Introduction to the additional requirements of GCSES and vocational qualifications
- An age appropriate, ambitious and personalised Personal Development curriculum, with opportunities and enhancements
- A bespoke extra-curricular range of opportunities to meet the needs, aspirations and interests of individuals
Year 11 Enhancement
- Broad, balanced and ambitious curriculum, that meets all statutory requirements
- Development, application, extension and support in core curriculum
- Development, application, extension and support in optional subjects
- Secure knowledge and skills in each subject area to prepare for the next stage of their education
- An age appropriate, ambitious and personalised Personal Development curriculum, with opportunities and enhancements
- A bespoke extra-curricular range of opportunities to meet the needs, aspirations and interests of individuals
Upper School Options
- GCSE Art
- GCSE Business Studies
- GCSE Computer Science
- GCSE Dance
- GCSE Drama
- GCSE French
- GCSE Food
- GCSE Geography
- GCSE History
- GCSE Music
- GCSE Physical Education
- GCSE Product Design
- GCSE Spanish
Further Science:
- GCSE Biology
- GCSE Chemistry
- GCSE Physics
Further Maths:
- Statistics
- Level 3 Algebra
- and Level 3 FSMQ
- Health and Social Care Certificate
- Sports Science Certificate
- Creative i-Media Certificate
- IT Certificate
- Child Development Certificate
- Drama/Performing Arts
- Music Technology
- Enterprise and Marketing

Personal Development
Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE), Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) and Citizenship.
This is delivered through Personal Development Lessons (PDL), RE, Enrichment Days, assemblies, Form Time and integrated into subject areas.
This incorporates:
- Personal values and attitudes
- Personal and collective responsibility in society
Entitlement includes:
- Relationships and Sex Education
- Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development (SMSC)
- Health and drug education, including mental health and emotional well-being
- Environmental issues
- Careers and vocational guidance
- Industrial and economic understanding
- Financial Management
- The role of Law
- The political system
- British Values
- Managing risk and personal safety
Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)
The RSE programme is not delivered as a discrete subject on the timetable, but is included in the broader programmes of Personal Development, Science and Religious Education. Outside agencies also provide additional support when necessary. The aim is to provide correct information and hence reduce any anxieties and guilt providing an appropriate environment for discussion. Students are encouraged to have regard to moral considerations and the value of family life.
Careful consideration has been given to eliminate any discrimination in terms of:
- Curriculum content
- Option choices
- Examination entries
- Extra-curricular opportunities
- School organisation
Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)
Impartial advice on careers education is delivered via a partnership between students, parents, school, further education colleges, training providers and external services and employers. The purpose is to:
- Prepare students for transition from school to further education and then on into higher education or employment
- Make appropriate career decisions
- Develop a working partnership between school and the local labour market
- Offer tailored advice and guidance to raise aspirations for all the young people
- Prepare students for academic and vocational education
This is delivered through Personal Development Lessons, Enrichment Days, assemblies, Form Time, interviews with staff and independent advisers, vocational options and interview preparation days. Contact with employers and employees, from a range of industries, is encouraged. Opportunities are provided for employers to visit the school. There are also opportunities for students to visit workplaces during the five -year learning programme. The Gatsby Benchmarks provide the focus for the planning of CEIAG delivery.