Careers & Enterprise Personnel
Careers Leader: Andrew Rastrick. Email:
Careers Adviser: Julie Tindall – Level 6 Certified. Email:
Enterprise Coordinator: Katie McGuire. Email:
SLT Link: Tracey Wilkinson. Email:
Careers Link Governor: Joanne Shaw. Email:
If you wish to speak to a member of staff regarding Careers and post-16 transition, or if you are a training provider and wish to come and speak to students, please contact Andrew Rastrick by using the email address and phone number detailed above.
At Byrchall we are passionate about providing Careers Education, Information and Guidance (CEIAG) throughout the students’ education. Students are entitled to CEIAG which meets professional standards of practice and is both personalised and impartial. It is integrated into students’ experience of the whole curriculum and delivered as part of the Personal Development curriculum in all five years.
The 5-year Careers Programme offers a wide-range of opportunities and experiences for all students. It is structured to deliver outcomes and raise aspirations. It ensures that every student makes informed decisions and moves on to their choice of Post-16 course at the end of Year 11. The overview below relates to units taught within the Personal Development taught curriculum. In all years, Careers units are taught within ‘Living in the Wider World’ in the second half of the Autumn term. In years 9 and 10, additional units are taught in the first half of the Summer term.
The Gatsby Benchmarks
The Gatsby Career Benchmarks is a framework of eight guidelines about what makes the best careers provision in schools and colleges.

How we monitor our Careers provision:
Ensuring our students receive first-class, quality information and guidance on careers and work- related learning is at the heart of everything we do at Byrchall. We plan, implement and evaluate our provision each year as part of the school’s improvement planning. Regular feedback from: students; staff; parents; post-16 providers and employers allow us to review and refine our programmes. We continually add to our wide-ranging links with post-16 providers and employers as part of this process.
We also regularly review our progress through the use of the nationally recognised Compass Tracker to monitor our progress towards the Gatsby Benchmarks.
We are extremely proud of the percentage of our students that stay in full time education, employment or training up until the age of at least 18. As a school, we track student destinations thoroughly in conjunction with our Careers Adviser, Julie Tindall (click on the links below to see the validated destination data for the past 3 years).
As we devote a significant proportion of our personal development time to careers, enterprise and work-related learning activities in all 5 year groups, we monitor the quality of work and input from our students as part of our personal development and form time curriculum. We also have a dedicated Careers and Aspiration Day for all year groups. The activities are evaluated by the students.
Our next scheduled Career Provision Review is Summer 2023.
For Parents:
- The Careers Writers Association is a resource for all those interested in encouraging and promoting accuracy, clarity, impartiality, creativity and integrity in careers information. Link to their website here.
- The Parents’ Guide to helping your child know what’s next
For Students:
- Comprehensive Careers Education, Information and Guidance (CEIAG) is available for you within this website. Find out more here.