send and inclusion
send and inclusion Film
Click/tap bottom right of video for sound:
Everybody needs a little bit of extra help sometimes. The learning support department offers that help when it is needed to those who need it!
There is a wide range of extra help and support on offer for those with additional needs. There are additional literacy (reading and spelling) and numeracy sessions to help those who need extra help with those areas of school work. There are also opportunities to support handwriting and co-ordination. As well as that there is also extra help for those who need it with emotional and social skills.
We see the students as individuals… we look at their needs and make sure that we offer the support that they need to best fulfil their potential whatever their starting points and difficulties. The staff care about the children and work hard to support them so that the students believe that ‘I can’.
Our key aims are:
- To develop students literacy and numeracy skills so that they are able to use those skills in other curriculum areas and in later life
- To ensure that students emotional and social health is developed and supported
- To ensure that the students leave school with functional skills that equip them for life after school
- To develop independence in students so that they are able to face new problems with confidence and resilience
- To encourage a lifelong love of learning
If you have a concern that your child has an SEND you should contact the school’s SENCO, Mrs Brown ( In her absence you should contact the member of the Senior Leadership who oversees Inclusion, Mrs A Hudson
Our SEND school policies and procedures are available for download below. Printed copies are available upon request from the school office.
The Wigan Council Special educational needs and disability – Local Offer can be found here.
The Autism Pathway and Service work with schools, teachers and parents to help support children with a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC), you will find further information here.
Or if you prefer to speak to someone please call Wigan SENDIAS team on 01942 486136. The Wigan Local Offer provides information of services which could support children and young people with SEND. Further information here.
Mrs Emma Brown
Telephone: 01942 728221