pastoral care

Our excellent pastoral care underpins all aspects of school life. This aspect of school includes attendance, Inclusion, Learning Support, conduct, school health, safeguarding, monitoring of progress & attainment and rewards. Each of these elements is monitored and evaluated with rigour, a range of support strategies is provided according to personalised need and every student is treated holistically in order that they achieve their full potential.

Our Form Tutors, as well as being the focal point for their students on a daily basis at registration and during regular form periods, are also responsible for delivering our Personal Development Programme. The form tutors can be contacted by telephone or email and should be your first port of call for any pastoral queries. This is designed to enhance the development of positive relationships within the school, as well as developing the independent learning skills. Parents are provided with an opportunity to meet with their child’s Form Tutor early in the Autumn Term as part of our Year 7 Induction Programme.

The designated safeguarding lead is Mrs Anita Hudson (Assistant Headteacher). The Deputy DSL is Miss Hayley Rutter. The other key staff are the five pastoral officers, Mrs Lynn Robinson-Prescott, Mrs Jean Williams, Miss Hayley Jones, Mr Lewis Heaton and Mrs Julia Dean.