We are a school community. Our uniform identifies everyone as citizens of that community, and our uniform is worn with pride.
For the complete list of uniform for Byrchall High School, please contact the main school office. Below is a summary:
Normal Uniform
- Blazer – regulation claret with badge
- Trousers – boys’ regulation charcoal grey , girls regulation grey boot leg
- Skirt – regulation grey stitched down pleated skirt of a reasonable length
- Shirts/blouses – boys years 7-10 plain white school shirt no badges, year 11 plain blue school shirt no badges, girls Years 7-10 plain white revere collar shirt (short sleeves an option), year 11 plain blue revere colour short sleeves an option
- Slip over optional V neck plain claret slip over
- Regulation school tie for boys, optional grey/claret scrunchie for girls
- Socks tights – boys plain black, girls plain black socks or opaque black tights
- Shoes – plain black shoes , low heels for girls
- Coat – single colour waterproof coat /jacket NOT a ‘hoodie’
- Jewellery the school operates a no jewellery policy , only a watch may be worn
- Hair – no extreme hair styles hair should be of a natural uniform colour
- Make up – no make up to be worn
- All items should be clearly marked with owners initials.
- White/ black trainers – no Velcro
- Football boots – advice to be given by PE staff
- Regulation claret /navy polo shirt reaching below the hips for girls and boys
- Regulation claret/navy shorts boys, “skort” girls
- Regulation reversible claret /navy rugby shirt boys
- Regulation claret socks and white angle length socks for girls
- Navy regulation hooded sweat shirt and navy jogging bottoms for girls and boys
Protective Clothing
- Art: Old shirt or apron.
- Product Design: Apron. Personalised embroidered aprons for Food are available from Sportsline.
- Students with hair of a length that could potentially be of a hazard are expected to tie it back.
Mobile Phones
We appreciate that, as parents, you may wish your child to have a mobile phone so that you can contact them after school. However, in school phones can be a distraction from learning and are not always conducive to a positive learning environment. The use of social media, messaging and texting can also be an issue that our pastoral team are having to deal with too often. We therefore have a policy that phones should be switched off in school (not just on silent) and be away in bags or blazer pockets. If a phone is seen or heard in school it will be confiscated. The mobile phone protocol gives more detailed information on the sanctions for not following our rules on mobile phones.
You will all have a uniform list. A special mention needs to be made about shoes. Only black shoes are allowed to be worn in school. Not boots or trainers. Please beware of shops and your children telling you that certain footwear is acceptable. Trainers have trainer soles, shoes do not. Please speak to a member of the pastoral team, if you are unsure if certain footwear is acceptable for school. Students not wearing the correct footwear will be required to change them for a pair of appropriate shoes provided by school.
Hair should be of a reasonable style. Extreme hairstyles are not acceptable. We do not allow shaved heads, tramlines or extreme graduations of hair length. Only natural hair colours are permitted.