modern languages

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We aim to create lifelong linguists who thrive in the 21st Century

We provoke students’ curiosity and appreciation of wider cultures and develop aspirational and independent linguists who achieve their full potential. We create a learning environment that nurtures the enjoyment of language learning, engenders pride in successful linguistic acquisition and application while providing a diverse, challenging and inspirational menu of language skills for all learners.

Our key aims are:

  • To develop, maintain and stimulate students’ curiosity, interest and enjoyment in Modern Foreign Languages
  • To encourage students to embrace Modern Foreign Languages and explore and appreciate the cultural differences of other countries
  • To develop students’ familiarity with appropriate linguistic concepts, principles and vocabulary
  • To develop students’ understanding of Modern Foreign Languages in its widest context and to see how it relates to themselves outside school
  • To promote independence in students’ approach to Language Learning
  • To enable all students to have equal access to Modern Foreign Languages and to experience success in their work
  • To allow students to develop transferable skills in Modern Foreign Languages

Year 7

In year 7, students will receive homework once a week. Homework will focus on deepening the students understanding of phonics, vocabulary and grammar. If a student fails to hand in homework, a detention will be set and the teacher will contact home.

Year 8

In year 8, students will receive homework once a week. Homework will be vocabulary learning and/or grammar related as well as a variety of different exercises and tasks to support their learning. There may also be translation and extended written tasks to complete. If a student fails to hand in homework, a detention should be set and the class teacher should contact home.

Key Stage 4

Homework at GCSE comes in a variety of forms:

  • Vocabulary learning
  • Tasks to complete on the Active Learn system (as instructed and explained in class time)
  • Revision for GCSE style speaking assessments – whether picture based, conversation or role play (once per term)
  • Extended/creative writing tasks
  • Additional grammar exercises

